Posts Tagged ‘Team Building’
4 Actions to Inspire Your Team Members
Recently a CEO asked a question that other leaders are likely thinking: How can my actions inspire my team members and employees to be great salespeople or performers, when COVID, racial justice issues and other things going on in the world are wearing people down? My initial response was: Now more than ever,…
Read More5 Activities for a High-Performing & Sustainable Culture
With the uncertainties of the world swirling around us, as leaders it can be a challenge to figure out how to create a high-performing and sustainable culture where employees and team members thrive over time. According to Gallup there was a historic drop in employee engagement with only 36% of employees in the workforce engaged…
Read MoreBuilding High-Performing Teams
According to GiANT Worldwide, there are five key metrics that drive team performance to a higher level: communication, relationships, alignment, execution, and capacity. Ultimately, research and experience tell us that for long-term engagement and high performance – performance beyond a single event – communication and relationships need to come first.
Read MoreCreating a Sustainable & Scalable Culture with 5 Voices & 100X Leader
Whether you’re a business professional, an educator, a coach, a college student-athlete, a member of the armed services, and/or a parent, grandparent, or aunt/uncle, you’re a leader whether you want to be or not. The question is: Are you a leader worth following? 5 VOICES We know everyone has a leadership voice, but…
Read MoreTeam Aureus Now Offering 100X Leader System
Team Aureus is excited to announce the offering of the 100X Leader System! Research has shown that teams perform at less than 60 percent of their potential. The 100X Leader System is an opportunity for you and your team to try something unique to increase team member engagement, productivity, collaboration, and performance. Organizations like the…
Read MoreThe Genius of High-Performing T.E.A.M.S.
A team is any group of individuals who are highly interdependent and striving to achieve a common goal. Any team can be come high-performing and achieve great potential. Five extraordinary powers of high-performing teams are trust, engagement, accountability, mutual respect and significance.
Read MoreDiscover Your Leadership Voice with 5 Voices
As a 5 Voices Certified Coach, Beth can help you and your team collaborate and communicate more effectively. Click the logo above to watch her announcement and then contact Beth to set up a free 30-minute consultation session to discover how the 5 Voices Workshop can help you.
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